Yoga not only improve the overall quality of life but also makes our life very meaningful. Yoga is a great way to improve our strength, flexibility, balance and mental health. Yoga is a great workout to become fit and mentally strong. 1. Yoga can help to decrease anxietyAnxiety runs widespread throughout the world. We are continuously busy in solving problems of our lives mentally. A research showed that, one hour of yoga twice a week lead to significant decrease in anxiety disorder. Yoga encourages us to focus on the present and to stay connected with our body. 2. Yoga can help to decreases stressStress is all around us. The pressure of everyday life can lead to a chronic stress. During a study, Yogis cortisol level was found to be lower as compared to non-Yogis. Cortisol is the hormone associated with stress. 3. Yoga can help with depressionIn Clinical language, increased level of Cortisol is linked to Depression. Too much cortisol can interfere with the serotonin uptake, which lead to the depression. Yoga helps to deal with healing of depression.Hence, it is clear that yoga has many health benefits which help us to stay fit and calm. Yoga helps us to learn to live in present and enjoy every moment of our life.Some of these benefits include:Reduced stress levels.Less anxiety.Increased self-awareness.Improved attention span.Improved quality of sleep.Reduced pain.Decreased blood pressure.